Connections Education LLC, dba Online & Blended Learning K–12 USA ("Connections"), its schools and affiliates use information technology as a means of providing equality of opportunity to the greatest number of people, including people with disabilities. We are committed to creating a culture of access for inclusive learning and to provide programs, products, and services that are usable by the greatest number of people. We believe in developing solutions that remove barriers to a student’s opportunity to learn and ability to demonstrate that learning.
Connections aims to create a culture of accessibility through education. Employees involved with the production or procurement of programs, products, or services will receive ongoing accessibility training with a focus on universal design principles, Section 508 technical standards, and WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria.
Connections is committed to working with the schools it supports in developing accessible websites and other electronic information to the Technical Standards and principles set forth in Section 508 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Please report any concerns regarding website and other electronic information accessibility to our Section 508 coordinator at
Federal law requires all public schools to provide students, regardless of disability, with an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the school’s education program. Connections is committed to working with the schools it supports in ensuring students are provided equal access to the education program. Students with disabilities receive access through the delivery of resources and accommodations tailored to each student’s individual abilities and needs, including assistive technologies and individualized support. If your student is enrolled in a school supported by Connections and is in need of assistance in order to fully participate, please contact the school’s special education director at or the school’s Section 504 coordinator at
Users can obtain 24-hour technical support by calling the Accessibility Hotline at 888-639-5960.